Hello friends,
I have a pretty straightforward project this week, it is making me wish for some nice summer weather. As I write this there is snow on the ground and a few weeks of winter left to navigate but spring will be here before I know it and soon enough summer will follow.
About a year ago I made this Kaftan from some old T-shirts. I really liked the colors and how the color blocks went together but it turns out that I am not really a Kaftan person because I never wore it.
I also had the top of an old dress that I stole the skirt from for my last Halloween costume. So I decided to make my own little mashup.
I cut off the lower part of the kaftan. Took out the hem at the side seams.
Tapered in the side seams.
Attached the two pieces together.
Moved the pocket to the skirt.
Shorted the shoulder seams with some faux hand sewn knots.
And refinished the hem.
It's nothing spectacular but I think I will get a lot more use out of it this way.
Happy Upcycling,
As I write this there is a puppy asleep in my lap. It is quite delightful. :-)
On a not so delightful puppy note, both of them tested positive for Giardia which is quite contagious so we now have all three of our furry friends on medication. Cha-ching!!! They are expensive little devils. The hubby did find an easy recipe to make pill pockets which saved us a little money and an extra trip to the pet store.