So you might think it is a little crazy to use house paint for a clothing refashion. But that is what we do here in the lab. And by we. I mean me, unless you count the dogs and cat but they rarely have much input and tend to be more interested in finding the best place to take their afternoon nap. The hubby is quite supportive but doesn't generally get involved when I start combining fabric and house paint, baby powder and spaghetti noodles or denim and candle wax. :-)
Now I suppose that I could have used some regular old fabric dye, but where is the fun in that? Oh and I didn't have any fabric dye and I like to experiment.
So here is what happen.
It all started with a stained white oxford work shirt.
And of course some house paint. Which I mixed with some water in the sink.
With house paint you don't need to let the garment soak for very long and the color comes out much lighter than the original paint color.
If you have ever used fabric dye you know that it takes along time to rinse the excess dye out of the garment with "house paint dye" the rinsing is much faster.
To add a little texture I used a bath scrub sponge and a rubber stamp.
I decided to also change out the buttons.
Then I cut off the sleeves.
And hand sewed the rolled sleeve hem.
The "paint dye" does make the fabric a little stiffer, but I am pretty happy with the final result.
Happy Upcycling,