Over the last couple of years I seem to have accumulated a pair of reading glasses for almost every room of the house but they seem to get easily scratched and broken. So for this weeks project I set out to solve that problem.
Start with a few household items.
2 can of tomato paste
1 empty cereal or cracker box
Tin snips or metal cutters
Safety cut can opener
Gray duct tape
Decorative duct tape
1 Strong magnet
Step 1 - Remove the top and the bottom of the tomato paste cans with the safety can opener.
Step 2 - Cut one of the can along the the seam with the tin snips.
Step 3 - Insert cut can into the solid can.
Step 4 - Use cardboard box to make a tube to fit inside the cans.
Step 5 - Tape and flatten one end of the tube.
Step 6 - Fold in the ends to close.
Step 7 - Cut tube to correct length for glasses.
Step 8 - Insert cardboard tube into tin can tube and adjust cans to the cardboard length.
Step 9 - Use gray duct tape to secure the cans together.
Step 10 - Flatten the tube to the desired oval shape.
Step 11 - Tape bottom to flatten.
Step 12- Cut flap shape from cardboard box.
Step 13 - Insert the flap between the can and the cardboard and fold to make cover.
Step 14 - Secure flap with gray duct tape.
Step 15 - Cover the bottom and the flap with decorative duct tape.
Step 16 - Attach magnet to the inside of the flap with a layer of duct tape.
Step 17 - Finish covering the out side of the case.
Happy Upcycling,