Happy Memorial Day. l do hope you had a lovely weekend.
The sun has finally come out after an extremely long stretch of clouds and rain and l am hopeful that the worst of the weather is past and we can get onto sunnier days.
Today's project is super simple but I have already found it quite useful. Those are the. best kind of projects aren't they? l am sorry if you are tired of the tie dye projects but I just couldn't help myself. l kept finding things to throw in the dye. Rest assured that l have finally dumped out the dye so next week l will have to move on to something else.
If you missed my other two tie dye projects you can find the shorts here and the dress here. They were somewhat more impressive projects but given the recent whether conditions here I have gotten a lot more use out of this little project then the other two.
All you need for this project is a wash cloth and two hair bands or rubber bands. You don't have to use the tie dye. l did because as you can see my washcloth had gotten greyish and well still had this big pan of dye.
To make the soap saver first fold the washcloth into thirds. Wrap the hair bands around each end and then place all your little soap pieces inside and you are ready to go. Once the soap is gone it is easy to turn your soap saver back into A regular washcloth.
Awhile back l made some picture charm bracelets from old watches and since then l have been looking for ways to use the leftover parts. So l made some earrings from the watch buckles and some necklaces from the watch faces.
Happy Upcycling,