Greetings from wet and soggy Colorado!
Really, it has been crazy wet here for the last several days and is going to continue on this way for several more, with possible snow tomorrow for Mother's Day! I shouldn't complain since any kind of precipitation is appreciated in our arid state but really I would like not to have it all at once.
It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that I decided, albeit, a little too late that I wanted to plant a small vegetable garden this year. The spot I selected was full of gravel (yes perhaps that was a questionable choice from the start.)
I worked diligently for a couple of days to remove the gravel it was rather labor intensive work but I did eventually devise a system that worked pretty well.
I have one little section left and if it ever stops raining I may be able to complete the rock removal and plant a vegetable or two.
All this moisture and forced indoor time has at least lead to a new upcycled sewing project.
One that will also need warmer dryer weather but I trust it is on the way.
I started with this pair of shorts.
They fit pretty well. But they were kind of short and out of style. So I set out to make them longer. I had some denim pieces left over from this denim skirt project.
Adding same strips of denim for length.
Stitching side seams.
Adding rubber bands for tie dye effect.
RIT Red Dye Bath
I removed the top part of the shorts from the dye bath to have a less consistent color result.
The first rubber band comes off.
I liked how the dye turnout but never liked the waistband very much.
It was too plain and flat and didn't have any belt loops.
I had a waist band piece left in the denim scraps so I dyed that too.
And sewed it onto the shorts Frankenstein style.
The finished shorts.
Happy Upcycling,