T minus 7 and counting.........
Yep just 7 days left of hair.
What's this craziness you might wonder, if you have not been here before. Get the back story here. Or you may be tired of hearing about it. Sorry but you will have to endure for a few more weeks as I am sure that I there will be some post shaved head yammering.
One thing I have confirmed about myself during this process is that I am not very good at fund raising. I am also, not surprisingly, very fond of it. But to not ask, would be to miss the point. And so I am asking once again for your help.
There are children fighting for their lives and parents living with the paralyzing fear of losing their child. A horror that I can not imagine. I don't have a heart wrenching personal story to tell you. Somehow, I have lived a life without the terrible intrusion of Cancer. The children in my life are all healthy and I am grateful, although not as mindful as I should be, for this good fortune.
In this context it feels shameful to admit that I am afraid. But honestly I am afraid even though in truth my hair is a small sacrifice.
I hope you will join me by making a small sacrifice of your own.
Alright let's get on with the upcycling.
You may remember a while back during my broken foot stage I made or should I say altered these jeans.
Now that I happily, no longer need a pair of jeans with a big zipper in the leg I have altered them again, with the help of this pair of Capri shorts that were too big and quite worn out in the seat.
Step 1 - Cut off the jeans at the crotch height.
Step 2 - Use some light weight fabric to cut a large rectangle. The dimensions should equal your hip measurement plus an inch or two of ease plus your seam allowance by the approximate length plus hem plus seam allowance.
Step 3 - Sew the rectangle of fabric into a tube and use a long basting stitch to gather it slightly to match the bottom edge of the jean piece. Pin and sew in place.
Step 4 - Cut up the leg portion of the jeans into short stripe of random length approximately 3/4" wide. Sew the pieces end to end into one long strip using both sides of the fabric to get more color contrast. You will need miles of this but you don't have to cut it all at once.
Step 5 - Starting at the top seam stitch down the center of the denim patchwork strip wrapping it around the skirt and over lapping the strips as you work down the skirt. Add more length to the strip as needed.
Step 6 - Continue working down the skirt until you achieve the desired length. I used the double stitched flat felled seam from my jeans for the final wrap around the bottom.
Step 7 - Hem the skirt. You may need to trim the light weight fabric at this point before you sew it up under the skirt.
Step 8 - To finish sew along the top edge of the stripes all the way down the skirt.
Step 9 - Optional add additional embellishments. I love lots of pockets and since the Capri's had a similar pocket style to the jeans I decided to add the two side pockets to my skirt. The Capri's also had some embroidery and rhinestone embellishment that I decided to use.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Upcycling.