It's not something I am proud of, I was actually caviler enough to joke about it. Before it happened of course. Now it is no laughing matter. But one of the cold hard facts of being pretty immobile for several months,
"Oh dear god is she going to mention that stupid broken foot thing again?"
"Yes. I am afraid she is."
I am sorry. Where was I? Ah yes, I was saying that one of the cold hard facts about being immobile for several months is...........
Weight Gain.
If you read my Chip Bag Christmas Decorations Post, (the irony of that title now seems a bit too obvious) you may have noticed the first image. That is actually me hiking Longs Peak only last year. I am currently and officially plus 20 pounds from the woman who was able to hike for 19 hours and reach the summit of one of Colorado's most spectacular 14er's. And to be completely honest at that time I was carrying an extra 10 pounds from the weight that I have been most of my adult life. A weight that I always thought was too high.
As I write this I have no idea how it will go. I have lost weight in my life but never very successfully when I was trying. My successes in weight loss have been mostly due to drastic life changes ie: divorce, career change.
Still I am hopeful that I will have some success. And for this moment at least I am at peace with the situation. It will be a long road back to fit-ish but I truly hope that I have more 14er's ahead of me and I know my healing foot, and the rest of my joints for that matter, would appreciate it if there were less of me to haul up to the mountain top.
Of course as luck would have it we are heading into the eating time of year. I guess fortunately for me, I would rather craft than make cookies. :-)
Upcycled Plastic Bag Christmas Decorations
I know that some folks think plastic bags should be outlawed but I think of them as crafting supplies so they are never single use to me. If you missed my post about the amazing things my sister can do with plastic bags you can see a short video here.
I seem to have gone straight from Halloween to Christmas mode. Sorry Thanksgiving I am looking forward to your turkey and cranberry sauce (more than I should be no doubt) but I don't see any crafty inspiration for you this year.
So here is what I have been up to with some of my plastic bags.
You have probably seen these plastic bag wreaths before. I made mine a mini version. The ring part is made from a plastic Folgers coffee can lid. Then I decorated it with a pine cone, some pine needles, fountain grass and an upcycled chip bag christmas ball.
These grocery bag pom pom balls are really simple to make. I think they will make lovely Christmas tree ball decorations. I used one grocery bag per pom pom and a 2 inch wide ruler to wrap the plarn around. Don't know what plarn is? Well it is plastic yarn of course. There are a couple of different ways to cut plarn. Here is the method I used to quickly cut a plastic bag into plarn.
For my last project, I confess that I stole some of my sister fused plastic. I found some patterns on line and then just stitched a couple of layers together to make these little ornaments. You could also use the fused plastic like craft foam and glue some embellishments on for decoration instead of the stitching.
Happy Upcycling,