Hi There,
Welcome to the Lab!
Don't miss the latest upcycling projects posted over on my new site Upcycle Design Lab and subscribe to receive an email when I upload new posts.
Warning, I do a little yammering in this post please feel free to skip to the bottom for the video tutorial. It is one of my earliest videos so I apologize for any quality issues.
Thanks for checking out my project.
If you have been reading this blog for the last few months you may be painfully aware of my broken foot saga. For those of you who are sick of hearing about it I apologize and suggest you skip on down to the craft project below. For the rest of you I share this latest lesson.
As I write this, I have been out of my cast for almost a month. I am walking, albeit with a very pronounced limp, without the aid of my walking boot or crutches. I walk pretty slowly but the ability to stand up and take a few steps without strapping some clumsy apparatus on my leg has been quite liberating. Still, I feel like I should be better than I am. My foot and ankle are still quite swollen and by the end of the day, even my calf has joined in the party. The doctor's prognoses is vague. I remember her exact words regarding the swelling she said. "It usually resolves itself."
I find myself wondering if I should be doing more or less. I don't walk nearly as much as I used to but I am trying to accomplish a few things around the house that have been sorely neglected for the last couple of months. In the mornings I feel ready to conquer my to-do list and by nightfall, I feel pretty wiped out and uncomfortable. I am in a constant flux between feeling like I never get enough done and feeling like I did too much. One day I feel like tomorrow will be the day my foot will feel normal again and the next I feel like it will never feel like it did before I broke it.
I feel a great deal of uncertainty about how I will walk in the future, limp no limp? Will I be able to hike another 14er? Will my left foot always be more swollen and sensitive? I don't like the not knowing but the irony of this whole situation is, of course, that it is just one little microcosm of life in general.
Of course, prior to my injury I took walking pretty much for granted but that was a bit of an illusion really. There was no guarantee from day to day that I would be able to walk. It was always just as uncertain as it is now. And so, this experience has reminded me, that all of life is really just one big question mark. It is a beautiful dance between the quote above and this quote below.
And so it is with some uncertainty that I share my latest project with you in the form of a video. I have made some videos in the past but I am making my film debut in this one.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. :-)
Upcycled Chip Bag Christmas Decorations
Happy Upcycling,