"What day is it,?" asked Pooh.
"It's today" said Piglet.
"My favorite day," said Pooh
Some folks may think that Thanksgiving is the kick-off to the holiday season but I like to think that it all really gets started with all the Halloween preparations. Honestly, I have trouble letting go of the light, long, hot days of summer. So, it is good to have a Holiday to focus on when the winter months are looming around the corner. The fall and winter bring with them a heavier feel. The days are shorter, the earths takes a pause, stops blooming, rests.
But it is also the beginning of the season of savoring, from that first piece of bit sized chocolaty goodness on Halloween, the pumpkin pies and turkeys of Thanksgiving and Christmas, the champagne of New Years, more chocolate on Valentines Day, all the way to the green beer on St Patrick's day, every month is blessed with it's very own delightful holiday traditions and delectable culinary delights. There are parties, visits with family and friends these things we savor too. We decorate, we entertain, we embrace our loved ones. More moments to savor.
I am always cheered at the return of Spring but until then there are many "Today's" to be rolled around on the pallet and savored.
Crafting is one way that I savor life.
You will need
A piece of styrophome (a take out box or meat tray thicker is better)
Water proof glue
An empty ink cartridge (or some other type of base / handle)
A simple design for your stamp
Exacto Knife
A small piece of terry cloth
Two rubber bands
One empty Altoid Tin
To make upcycled stamp
Step 1 - Trace around the bottom of the ink cartridge on to a piece of the Styrofoam. Cut out the shape and secure it to the bottom of the ink cartridge. For this project I used wood glue but I have also made a similar set of stamps using a hot glue gun.
Step 2 - Trace out your design onto another piece of foam, carefully cut out the design with scissors or exacto knife and glue to the base of the stamp.
To make upcycled stamp pad
Step 1 - Cut two small rectangular pieces of Styrofoam to fit inside the altoid tin.
Step 2 - Cut a small piece of terry cloth the same width as the foam pieces but long enough to wrap around the edges of the long side of the foam piece.
Step 3 - Wrap the terry cloth around one piece of foam and use the other piece of foam to sandwich the ends of the terry cloth between the two pieces of foam.
Step 4 - Secure all the layers with two rubber bands and insert into the altoid tin.
To use the ink pad, brush a thin layer of water based paint onto the terry cloth pad. The paint can be kept moist or thinned down by brushing a little water on the pad. Add more paint or water as needed. Disassemble and wash the terry cloth when you are ready for a new color.
Happy Upcycling,