Hello and Wacka-doo-da-loo from party panic central.
Did you know I was having a 50th birthday party?
Well I am. And in only a few short days to boot. Our out of town guests arrive tomorrow and then Saturday is the big day.
I have scrub and cleaned long forgotten crevasses in my house that usually go unnoticed and most likely have not been cleaned since we moved in some 12 or 13 years ago. I know that probably frightens some of my more cleanly readers but if you live with four shed-o-matic's (2 cats 2 dogs = many hairs) perhaps you can relate to the notion of living in a state of hairy mess or less hairy mess. The less hairy mess for the lazy animal lover such as myself is what generally passes for clean. For me there really is no such thing as squeaky clean at least not for more then a minute. Anyway I have quite happily existed in my moderate to heavily haired house except for those times when other potentially less hair happy guest will be exposed to it.
Today as I wiped the years of dust and cat hair off of my ceiling fans I had to accept that due to the excessive hair fall and my slightly sloth like nature it may very well be another 10 years before they are dusted again. Typing that just now, which is the on-line equivalent of saying it out loud, was honestly a little horrifying even to me. But let's be honest here, by tomorrow or sooner I will have forgotten all about the ceiling fans.
Why I am already preoccupied with feeling enormously guilty for taking the time to write this blog post as I feel certain I should be cleaning something, finishing something, organizing something, planning something, checking on something and maintaining something all at the same time. And then cleaning that same something again as it would already have some pet hair redeposited on it.
I would be lying if I said that this is the first time I have ever had the notion to shave the four legged residents in this house but today the urge is particularly strong. I guess entertaining brings out my obsessive-compulsive personality.
Anyway at some point after we decided to have a party, and since the general stress of entertaining and the additional stress of turning 50 wasn't enough I decided to make my party outfit from what else but upcycled trash.
Now if you have been following my posts lately you will be aware of two things. First I have been mentioning my birthday in every post for months now to the point of ad nauseum.
It's what I do.
I have done it for every decade shift I have been through. I talk about being almost XXX years old for months in advance. I am almost 50. I will be 50. I am going to turn 50. Bla Bla Bla. I haven't been 49 for the last 11 months I have been almost 50. I yammer on and on about the number prior to its arrival and then hope when it becomes a reality I have become a little numb to it.
Fingers crossed that is works this time.
And secondly prior to this post I had a bracelet and some shoes to wear leaving me quite literally in my birthday suit for the big bash.
But really it is not that kind of a party.......
and so I am happy to report that I have completed my dress.
I took this pile of T-shirts.........
And made this.
If you look closely enough I am sure that you will find a cat hair on it somewhere.
Sorry no tutorial for this one. I barely even took any picture during the process. I did used the same technique as on my basket weave t-shirt. The tutorial for that is here.
Now if you will excuse me I am itching to go fire up the hubby's electric razor.
Happy Upcycling,
PS - Does anyone know how to spin cat hair into yarn? Cuz I got a lot of it.
She looks pretty harmless here doesn't she? But I am pretty sure she sheds her weight in hair every two days.