It's official.
I am in "impending party panic mode". Yes, I am going to yammer on about my party again. But you are in luck since I am currently alternating between freaking out about getting everything done and worrying about no one showing up. I really don't have much time for blathering on and on about being 50. Other than to tell you that I am currently having some difficulty remembering everything that I have to do. A condition that I presume will only get worse as I progress on through my 5th decade.
Oh the joy of aging.
My latest but certainly not my greatest project. Here is the tutorial that inspired me.
You should follow it and not do what I did. In fact you should just stop reading this right now.
Are you still here?
This is how not to wrap the jars.
Way too much twine.
Hey I just said that that tutorial inspired me not that I followed it. Anyway I have unwrapped and re-wrapped three of the five and I think that I have an acceptable decoration now. They will be way in the back of the yard so I am hoping that no one notices my questionable paint job.
Happy Upcycling,
One more tip - You probably want to do the spray painting part of this project in the day light unless you want to paint your feet and miss big spots on your jars, then you should wait until after dark like I did.