Oh me oh my, how the time does fly.
Monday has past. The week goes so fast. And I am just now posting this post here at last.
It's already Tuesday. The week's well on it's way. So I really must hurry without further delay.
My niece has just graduated from high-school you see. And that is how this weeks upcycling project came to be.
With the help of the good doctor I conjured up this. From boxes and other trash I won't miss.
It started with pretzels some scissors and tape. And slowly but surely it began to take shape.
Now my box needed handles as all gift bags do. So I went to my recycling bin and commenced to look through.
I found these two bowls and cut of the rim.
Then taped them.
And wrapped them according to my whim.
I used fabric from my 20 T-shirt stash and so more of my t-shirts will be kept from the trash.
I covered the top edge of my box with bias tape and hot glue. Working quite happily as the time flew.
The bottom was cover in white paper wrapping with the two pieces of paper slightly overlapping.
With some marking.
And gluing my handles in place.
My box was now ready to get it's new face.
I printed some pictures I wanted to use. Graduation time was approaching there was no time to lose.
Quickly I trimmed, scored and folded my pieces to shape.
And then glued them in place as I had run out of tape.
My box now completed. Items ready to go in.
And I was off to the party. Let the graduation begin!
Yeah Upcycling!
Yeah Recycling!
A Big Hip Hip Hooray!
You help save the planet a little bit each day.
Happy Upcycling,