Happy Earth Day Everyone.
I am still in party prep high gear this week. If any of you that have been following my last few post will know that this makes me somewhat certifiable since the party isn't until August (Maybe). But I am blaming the weather. Yep you heard me correctly. It is late in the month of April as you all well know but mother nature seems to think that it is still winter here in Colorado where the current conditions are cold and snow. And what about tomorrow you ask well.... Cold and more Snow.
Anyway my point is that I would like to be working on gardening and yard crafts but the great outdoors jut hasn't been all that inviting lately. Maybe by the weekend it will feel more like Spring around here. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Have you read my about me page? I am guessing not, but if you have you might be aware that I have for years now had empty toilet paper rolls in my night stand drawer. I don't know how that ever became the place that I stashed TP rolls but it did. Weird I know. But all that is over now I have effectively depleted my stash. I am sure that in no time at all the drawer will be full again and I will need a new project but here is this weeks upcycled project. I am sure you have seen these before but here is my version.
I made some fake flowers to cheer myself up since I can't have any real ones yet.
I am planning to hang them outside for the party but the colors showed up better on the white background.
I was lucky enough to get a few photo's this morning before the snow started falling.
I used some of the t-shirt scraps from my 20 t-shirt challenge for the center of my flowers. So I am considering this one of my t-shirt projects. You know.
My challenge. My rules. :-)
Happy Upcycling,