It is sunny and 79 degrees today but the forecast shows 35 degrees and 4 to 6 inches of snow on Wednesday. This is one crazy Spring we are having here in Colorado. I am eager to put some flowers out in my yard but I guess that I might be waiting another week.
I would be lying if I said that the idea of more snow didn't make me a little cranky. But enough of my weather whining.
This weeks project is no great piece of design work but it is one salvaged item reinstated into useful or in this case wearable society.
I believe that I have mentioned before that I sell items (mostly clothing) on Ebay. Well I bought this dress the other day to list in my store.
But I wasn't paying very close attention apparently because when I got home I realized that the fabric was torn at the neckline.
My first thought was just to send it back to the goodwill. But that didn't seem very green or creative so I decided to give a repair a try.
Here is what I did. It is nothing spectacular but it is now quit wearable again.
Oh and I almost forgot the most important part. I used some of my t-shirt scraps from my 20 t-shirt challenge.
Happy Upcycling,