Sorry to repeat myself, if you saw my last post you will know what I mean but the thing is I found last weeks project quite enjoyable and well...
the truth is we have two dogs and I would hate to be accused of having a favorite so.....
here is my latest project.
This is not going to be a true tutorial as I don't really have a step by step of how I made these but I will let you in on a little secret, lest you get the wrong impression and think that I have more artistic skill than I really do.
You start with a photograph like this one.
And then using the magic of computer software (I have Adobe Illustrator but I am sure that many other programs allow you to transform your photo into greyscale or in my case a 5 color version)
It looked like this.
I did play around with the photo some until I got the definition that I wanted with the least amount of tiny details.
Then I printed two copies. One to use as a guide and one to use as a template. I chose my t-shirt colors and then using pins and double sided tape I cut out the larger shapes and then cut out and layered the smaller shapes on top using Elmer's glue to hold it all together.
Two things you also need for this project are a really sharp pair of scissors and a fair amout of patience.
Oh yes and I almost forgot this does count as another project for my 20 T-shirt Challenge. :-)
Happy Upcycling,