Oh Ho Ho!!! The holidays are fast approaching and as usual I am feeling more than a bit unprepared. I had planned to make a lot of my gifts this year but as I have not started a single one I may need to come up with plan B. I fear I may end up being the gift card giver this year which is a fine gift to receive but not very creative or fun to give.
On to this weeks project. You may remember the Abstract Snowflakes from last week which left me with some empty CD sleeves.
I don't know where the idea sprang from but it occurred to me that I could make a travel kit with them. I was wishing for some inspiration on a Christmas gift but this is what the universe sent me. So I went with it.
I didn't get very good pictures of this step but the gist of it is that the top of a zip lock (preferable a used one) is cut off and glued into the top of the CD sleeve to prevent all your stuff from spilling out.
I decided to use some old cardboard boxes for the cover and some extra contact paper that I had. It occurs to me now that covering it with an old map would have been a better idea but I never seem to finish a project without wanting to improve on it.
I used the bottom hem piece from one of my 20 T-shirt to hold my travel kit together. So I am actually considering this as one of my T-shirt projects. This might be a bit of a stretch but since I am trying to use up all of the material from all 20 t-shirts I am having to be a little creative :-)
I filled the first pouch with first aid items.
And the second with sewing items.
Note: the safty pin and needle holder is a label from one of my 20 t-shirts. :-)
The third pouch I decided to fill with emergency activities for when the battery is dead on your i-pad or smart phone. In true upcycling form I cut out the Suduko and Crossword puzzles from the paper.
And made my own set of Dominoes from more of my card board boxes and contact paper.
It all fits into this small booklet.
Happy Upcycling,