I have been a little remiss in blogging and crafting this month. But I do have one zany project to share. But first I will attempt to explain how and why I came up with this project in the first place.
If you have read any of my other posts you may be aware that my family sometimes has crazy gatherings of which I admit to being the main instigator. But my nieces and nephew and even my sister have all contributed to the continuation of these silly family gatherings.
It all started in 2010 with Gypsy Mothers Day.
Ok. Maybe it started with the mother / daughter sleep over in 1999. We all made t-shirts with our names on them and then we wrote on each others shirts sort of like signing a yearbook.
I also made a playhouse under the stairs for my nieces.
Then of course there was the Circus Birthday Party.
Complete with Twinkie lions and Snowball elephants.
Or maybe my sister really started it with all of her halloween costume parties.
or the Flashback to 1960's Party.
In truth I think my parents might be to blame as they instilled a great deal of creativity in all their children.
Which is why we have also had....
Viking Fathers Day
An Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Tea Party
And most recently......
Super Hero Fall Birthdays
OK, It kind of looks more like a combination of super hero / drag queen party but we enjoyed the silliness of it all.
We played a giant board game in the yard with buildings to leap over.
And targets to shoot.
My little sister won best costume for being brave enough to wear these boots.
And everyone got a t-shirt to write their super hero name or slogan on. (Which if you are still with me is actually the craft project.)
It began with a bunch of old t-shirts and some chalkboard paint. It was a pretty simple project. I just followed the instructions on the paint.
I was trying to follow a comic book theme so I made the shapes like thought bubbles, speech shapes and what ever those shapes are called that have all the noises in them like POW! BANG! POP!
After the party I got to wondering what else you could write on them. So I played around a bit. It is a little messy (dusty) but easy to write on the shirts. And it is easy to start over if you make a mistake. Just wipe with a wet cloth to make a clean slate.
And then I decided I should probably quit goofing off.
Happy Upcycling,