I have been into the "basket weaving" types of crafts lately. You know the ones that don't require a lot of concentration or skill. See my latest upcycled t-shirt project here.
I started this weeks project without much inspiration but I think it turned out ok, in its own weird way. Awhile back I cut up a gazillion old return address stickers that I got from a dozen different places. You know the ones they send you when you donate money to something. Well I didn't figure I could use all those return address labels in my life time but I didn't want to part with the pretty flower or the puppy dog part of the sticker so I cut the labels apart. Yes it's true my life is just non-stop adventure.
Anyway, this project started with me mindlessly sticking random cat head, flowers and flags stickers on to an old cracker box and ended with some plastic toys glued on top.
Not all experiments are huge successes.
Or colossal failures
Some of them are....
Just little imperfect expressions of who we are.
Happy Upcycling,