Ok so the time out from my T-shirt project isn't really a new thing but the Tea Party is my current distraction. I have mentioned before in previous posts that I am easily distracted so if you are new here and you are hoping to see some cool things made out of T-shirts you have my deepest apologies and I recommend that you check back later. How much later I can't really say. It's any body's guess.
For the rest of you folks that already know about my inability to stay focused on anything for more than than a few hours, it should be no surprise that I am again off on a tangent, or more precisely that I have fallen down yet another rabbit hole. I have posted on my other blog about past crazy theme parties. Gypsy Mothers Day, Viking Fathers Day (sorry, no link I guess I didn't write a post about fathers day after all) and last years Lady Gaga Birthday Gala, but since I am using primarily things that I already have on hand I think it is acceptable to post this here.
So drum-roll please........ I am hosting a Mad Hatter Tea Party (Family Birthday Party) tonight.
I am knee deep in cooking, cleaning and of course crazy pants decorating.
Sometimes I wonder if I should so publicly admit to my peculiar craziness. But I am working toward being a little more fearless in my life and just being who I am.
After all I believe that everyone wants to feel both of these opposing things.
1) That they are different and unique and special.
2) That they fit in and aren't too weird.
At least I know that I want both of those things. But they do tend to tug and pull at one another something fierce. Now trust me I know that my plans for a Mad Hatter Tea Party are definitely tipping the scales on the weird-o-meter. But I think it is a fact that the attempt to fit in and not look too weird is the default for most of us. There-fore, I believe, every now and then we should all go a little bit out of our way to embrace our inner kookiness.
On that note I am off to make my pool table into a giant ladybug and my stationary bike into that dope smoking caterpillar.
Wish me luck I am never certain how these things are going to turn out.